Science Programs


explore Science programs

At Silicon Valley International University, our science courses cover a wide range of subjects, including biology, chemistry, and physics. Our mission is to equip students with both knowledge and practical experience to excel in their chosen fields and careers.

When selecting science courses, you have several options to consider. You can choose between introductory or specialized courses, as well as full-time or part-time study. You may also opt for courses offered by regional or national universities.

Choosing the right science courses can be challenging, but it's important to find the best fit for your goals. Look for courses that are challenging and taught by knowledgeable instructors.

Science Degrees at SVIU

SVIU offers a variety of science courses that provide valuable insights into the natural world and essential scientific techniques. Our curriculum includes classes in environmental science, chemistry, biology, engineering, and more.

Science encompasses a wide range of fields, including computing, technology, biology, physics, mathematics, and chemistry. These courses are essential for students pursuing various career paths. Each science course at SVIU offers a unique learning environment and opportunities for success. Whether you aspire to be a scientist or pursue another career, starting with a solid foundation in science is crucial. We offer off-campus courses with certification to provide flexible learning options for our students.

Course Detail

Science programs